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Author: info
Going Back to School: 5 Benefits for Retired Police Officers
author – Harold Gardner’s retirement didn’t turn out the way he expected due to failed plans and the pandemic. Disappointed at first, he came around and found joy in fishing alone, joining a virtual book club, and taking short, safe road trips with his wife, Nancy. Harold created the Retired to Inspired platform in the… Continue reading Going Back to School: 5 Benefits for Retired Police Officers
Bad News Travels Fast
Maine is a small community, and the Maine law enforcement community is a tiny family comparatively speaking. Good news in Maine still seems a bit slow to get around but bad news gets wings. We are reaching out today because the Maine LEO community lost someone to suicide recently. We know that word has spread… Continue reading Bad News Travels Fast
Coping with A Life Crisis:
New resource and it’s FREE!
Officer Welfare Warrior Award
There are three pillars to the foundation of our efforts here at the Maine Center for Resilience and Survivability: Treatment, Training, and Education. We also search of brave law enforcement leaders working to promote officer resilience. Throughout the year we look for individuals who are taking Officer Resilience seriously by demonstrating a commitment to changing… Continue reading Officer Welfare Warrior Award
Fatigue and Injury Risk Reduction
With so many police departments struggling to maintain minimum staffing requirements and others working to avoid shortages due to massive numbers of retirements in the near future, administrators have resulted to increasing shift lengths. In some cases, shifts have been increased by 50% per day! The dreaded forced overtime! What happens when someone books off… Continue reading Fatigue and Injury Risk Reduction
Pain Behind the Badge
We want you to be aware of some life-saving training sponsored by Dirigo Safety! PAIN BEHIND THE BADGEStoic, bulletproof, and invincible, police officers hide their own personal suffering for a number of reasons. This training, Pain Behind the Badge is designed to promote officer safety, resilience, and wellness. The Pain Behind the Badge training is… Continue reading Pain Behind the Badge
A Tripartite Approach to Mood Improvement
I think I just ran over my wife’s cat and I feel sad about that.
A cursory search of the web and a two-minute consultation with “Doctor Google” will produce lots of answers to the question, “What causes depression?” Before that question can be answered it would seem reasonable to try to define the main topic. That is, what is depression? Unfortunately, the answer will depend on who you ask.… Continue reading WHAT CAUSES DEPRESSION?
Are longer shifts the solution? With nearly every large department in Maine suffering from staffing shortages and poor recruitment numbers, many administrators have either lengthened shifts from 8 to 10 or 12-hours or they are contemplating the increase. While forcing police officers to work a longer shift may resolve minimum staffing requirements in the short-term,… Continue reading STAFFING SHORTAGES vs. STAFFING BURNOUT