Bad News Travels Fast

Maine is a small community, and the Maine law enforcement community is a tiny family comparatively speaking. Good news in Maine still seems a bit slow to get around but bad news gets wings.

We are reaching out today because the Maine LEO community lost someone to suicide recently. We know that word has spread far and wide in the few short hours since it was made known outside of the home department.

To that agency, the LEO’s family and friends we extend our deepest condolences, and we pray God will comfort all of those involved.

We are bringing this to everyone’s attention because there is a contagion effect to suicide. That is, someone struggling with the dark and painful thoughts of suicide who hear about someone else who has done it may then find the permission, or the reason to go ahead with suicide themselves.

If you know a LEO who is depressed, or withdrawn, or just not right, we ask that you reach out to them today. Right now. Please don’t wait. Connect with them and talk to them. Extend yourself and make yourself available to that person and let them know you care about them, and you are concerned about them. Most importantly, tell them you want to, and you will help them.  


  1. NEVER NEVER NEVER give up. Copline is answered 24/7 by retired officers. 1-800-267-5463. You don’t need to have suicidal thoughts to call, but if you are struggling these volunteers are willing to listen.

  2. Sending support and comfort to all impacted by this tragic loss.
    Thank you for this heartfelt statement.

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