Pain Behind the Badge

We want you to be aware of some life-saving training sponsored by Dirigo Safety!

Stoic, bulletproof, and invincible, police officers hide their own personal suffering for a number of reasons. This training, Pain Behind the Badge is designed to promote officer safety, resilience, and wellness.

The Pain Behind the Badge training is designed to help police officers and police supervisors to identify and support fellow police officers who are at-risk for committing suicide. The training offers guidance on how to obtain information and to provide appropriate responses to an officer in trouble.

“Don’t let your last contact with a brother or sister in law enforcement be their last contact and mark their End of Watch.”

Supervisors, this training is for you!

Supervisors are responsible for “their” people. From FTO to equipment to defensive tactics and paperwork to the guidance and support following traumatic events. Supervisors try to keep a handle on the level of experienced and accumulated stress their officers are carrying. This training will help you keep them safe and alive!

The training date is June 9, 2022, so don’t delay in registering!